That mercenary is Exodus. Nearing their extinction, King Bantayan and the leaders of men dispatched Exodus on a quest to capture five elementals to aid them in the final battle against King Bagulbol.
In the gaming space race, it seems that the Mass Effect series might be meeting its match next year with a new AAA title.
The Prince of Egypt is a 1998 award-winning animated film based on the Book of Exodus in the Bible. Set in ancient Egypt, the ...
Movie fans also express that they are less inclined to visit theaters when films are quickly available on streaming platforms after a short theatrical release. "Aside from movies that fully utilize ...
Exodus scrapes content (movies, music, videos) from around the web, and brings that for the user to view on their Kodi devices (TV, Boxes, Computers). After it scrapes for movie or TV show links It ...