Simple web analog clock project designed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It allows users to easily view the time and day on his device & take charge of time itself with manual time control!, To ...
🕑 OBS向けアナログ時計 / Analog Clock for OBS 【商用利用可・無料】 またの名を「OBS上でアナログ時計を動かすことができるやつ」。 OBS上でアナログ時計を動かすことができるツールです🕑🎉 zipファイルを解凍したら、clockフォルダの中をご確認ください。
SMALL BUT MIGHTY: At just 4-3/8 (11cm) diameter, the round wood clock takes up little space on desks, shelves and tables. Keep one at home or at work for a handy time reference in any room. REAL WOOD: ...