Complimentary with an I, as in a free cup of coffee or complementary with an E, as in their handbag goes with their outfit. It's important to take extra care when spelling words which sound similar.
Male wearing glasses: Common letter patterns are really important, it helps with your spelling. Things like ... put in front to make so many different words like sit, hit, bit and it's that ...
Spelling quiz! How well do you know some of these tricky and commonly misspelled words? Test your knowledge in this engaging and fun lifestyle quiz, which includes some words (not surprisingly ...
If you would like to give it a try, please contact:
[email protected] A spell checker must be configured with a valid word list. Given an input string, the spell checker recommends words ...
My elementary school daughter recently came home after competing in her schools spelling bee. In the excitement of the moment of having faired so much better than last year she said "next year I want ...