Windows Insiders, die als eerste de nieuwste Windows-versies mogen testen, hebben een vervelend probleem opgemerkt na de ...
De ruzie over het toenemende aantal Rust-drivers in de Linux-kernel, die ten koste gaan van de tot nu toe gebruikte C- en C++ ...
Nvidia zegt dat het wereldwijd 'twee keer zoveel' RTX 50-videokaarten heeft geleverd in de eerste weken na release in ...
According to the release notes, the fix is specific to the GeForce RTX 50 series. NVIDIA doesn't go into any more detail ...
Experiencing your PC booting to a black screen after a recent Nvidia driver update? This new hotfix will sort out your gaming ...
With newer GeForce GPUs, Linux distributions will use a driver for OpenGL applications that hands over the actual work to a ...
Nvidia 's recent Game Ready Drivers have come with a list of issues, which appear to have begun with the launch of its RTX ...
Digital Foundry tests the Intel B570. On this page: we introduce our test system, benchmarking methodology and initial ...
In a blog released by Nvidia, a new Game Ready Driver (572.70) is available which provides support for its new RTX 5070 GPU, ...
The debate regarding the increasing adoption of Rust drivers in the Linux kernel, replacing portions of the established C and ...