Click here (23K postscript) for the course schedule. This course will cover elementary differential and computational geometry. The purpose of the course is to prepare a student for advanced ...
In Jan to March 2020 I am teaching an algebraic geometry course at Imperial College London, which covers the basics of the theory of algebraic varieties (note: no schemes involved). Hendrik Lenstra ...
Introduction to Riemannian geometry. Riemannian connections, curvature and geodesics. Applications to submanifolds and to the connection between topology and curvature. The course aims to give a ...
However, the talks in the first term are usually more elementary and intended to complement the Topics in Geometry course, and it is hoped that this will also attract some advanced undergraduate ...
Improper tool geometry leads to premature tool wear and failure, poor surface finish, and slower speed and feed rates. These factors increase manufacturing costs, create excess waste and scrapped ...
Both algebraic and arithmetic geometry are concerned with the study of solution sets of systems of polynomial equations. Algebraic geometry deals primarily with solutions lying in an algebraically ...
The geometry of the configuration space (and more generally the state space) plays a large role in the dynamic behavior of the system. In this course we introduce some mathematical tools from ...
Evanston Township High School (ETHS) offers an interdisciplinary course in which students combine engineering, geometry and design to build a house each school year. Geometry in Construction is a ...
The information and materials presented here are intended to provide a description of the course goals for current and prospective students as well as others who are interested in our courses. It is ...