You obtain samples for microbiological confirmation but concur with the GP that this is tinea versicolor. The girl expresses her distress about her external appearance and is very keen to finally get ...
The skin will eventually return to its normal color. To help even out your skin tone, you should protect your skin from the sun and not tan. Tinea versicolor can return. When the air outdoors is warm ...
Harder-to-treat cases may require oral antifungals. This article looks at the cause and symptoms of tinea versicolor, ...
The skin will eventually return to its normal color. To help even out your skin tone, you should protect your skin from the sun and not tan. Tinea versicolor can return. When the air outdoors is warm ...
Tinea versicolor — also called pityriasis (pit-uh-RYE-uh-sis) versicolor — is caused by a type of yeast that normally lives on the skin. When the environment it lives in gets warm and moist, it can ...
Considering taking medication to treat tinea versicolor? Below is a list of common medications used to treat or reduce the symptoms of tinea versicolor. Follow the links to read common uses ...
It's also called tinea versicolor ... Pityriasis versicolor is caused by a type of yeast that normally lives on the skin. When the environment it lives in gets warm and moist, it can grow out of ...
You will be able to get a quick price and instant permission to reuse the content in many different ways. Pityriasis (tinea) versicolor is a superficial fungal infection of the stratum corneum by the ...
Considering taking medication to treat tinea manuum? Below is a list of common medications used to treat or reduce the symptoms of tinea manuum. Follow the links to read common uses, side effects ...
The cat mainly stays in the patient's room. He denies any outside activities. Tinea corporis is a superficial fungal infection involving the body and face, with the exclusion of the beard area in men.