The good thing is that pistachios are not one of the largest nut trees because they grow to approximately 15 feet high and ...
Cashew nuts are the most loved dry fruits of India. Do you know which state is the largest producer of cashew nuts!
Unlawful practices by some unauthorised foreign traders in the market along the cashew value chain are causing concern by ...
Cashews grow in tropical locations like India, Vietnam, Ivory Coast, and here, in Sri Lanka. The trees are a member of the same family as poison ivy, and like poison ivy, cashew plants contain a ...
The cashew industry has large economic significance as it employs more than 10 lakh people on farms and factories in rural areas. The cultivation of cashews in India covers a total of 0.7 million ...
Cashew fruit are too fragile for export from the tropics where they grow. Fresh cashew ‘fruit’ has a very short shelf-life so is used as soon as it has fallen from the tree. In some parts of ...
He also directed the registration of all cashew farmers and their trees to ensure equitable distribution of inputs ... was a pilot programme with plans to extend it to all 17 cashew-growing regions ...