1. そもそもHACCPって何? HACCP(ハサップ)とは、食品の製造・加工・調理など、あらゆる工程を通じて生じる危害要因(Hazard)を事前に分析し、その危害が発生しやすい工程(CCP:Critical Control Point)を重点的に管理する食品衛生管理システムです。従来の ...
If you work in the food industry, you may have heard of HACCP and GMP as two important systems for ensuring food safety and quality. But what do they mean and how do they differ? In this article ...
Food hygiene laws state that all business should have a documented HACCP system in place. The aim of this process is to look at how food is handled and introduce procedures that will ensure that ...