A currently untitled TV series based on J.K. Rowling's “Harry Potter” books is set to debut on HBO in 2026. Per HBO, "The series will feature a new cast to lead a new generation of fandom ...
A new series merging the worlds of Harry Potter and The Great British Bake Off is streaming now, in a mash-up we didn't realise we needed. Harry Potter: Wizards of Baking is said to combine ...
It’s the mash up we didn’t know we needed, as a new series has launched that combines Harry Potter and The Great British Bake Off. Streaming now, Harry Potter: Wizards of Baking is said to ...
It’s official, a Harry Potter TV series is coming! For Potterheads everywhere, Max (formerly HBO Max) have confirmed that a show based on all seven books is on its way and we could not be more ...
The show comes nearly 30 years after J.K. Rowling published “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,” which was adapted into a film directed by Chris Columbus in 2001. In total, the original ...