This is why most modern painters ... of historical paintings goes beyond traditional art galleries; now they are forging significant change in modern spaces and allowing artists to replicate ...
Using transactions from art auctions for the work of 50 leading painters who worked in France during the first century of modern art, I estimate the relationship between the value of a painting and ...
Jack Hilton's works often show real historical episodes or events, using a heraldic, patchwork style of figuration, and are ...
An exhibition featuring artworks gathered through the "The Canal Chic: Reviving China's Heritage" campaign opened on ...
The Lebanese Artists Association – Painters and Sculptors – was founded in 1957 with a government permit #301/AD to serve the art community and help promote art and artists. Its yearly activities ...
Started in 1999, the Young Painters Competition features artists aged 25 - 35, who demonstrate excellence ... We hope you enjoy our yearly competition as we navigate the visual, historical and ...