Tomato hornworms are very large caterpillars with a horn-like tail. Their favorite plant is tomato. Hornworms chew leaves and can completely defoliate plants. They can also chew holes in the fruit.
Tomato hornworms, Manduca quinquemaculata, are large green caterpillars that devour tomato plants along with other nightshades including peppers, potatoes, and eggplant. They can also be a little ...
To naturally deter hornworms from greedily eating your plants, inhibiting their photosynthesis process, and destroying your produce, plant some thyme. Pests like hornworms can't stand the aroma of ...
Hundreds of sweet potato hornworms crossed Honoapiilani Highway on Wednesday afternoon, headed in the direction of the Maui Tropical Plantation. Many were squashed but some crossed the road.