At that point, I was curious. I googled the title, and just a few minutes later I was lost in the world of Interactive Fiction (hence abbreviated as IF) which is the official genre description of ...
Welcome to the Interactive Fiction (IF) Page. If you have suggestions for information that should be available here (especially pointers to other useful pages), please let me know. Stephen Granade's ...
Want a new way to to scare yourself this winter? All of these terrifying interactive fiction games can be played right in your browser. Interactive Fiction is a mode of storytelling where creators ...
Jumbo Grove is a tool for writing hypertext interactive fiction. Hypertext means text with links. Interactive fiction is a medium for storytelling that crosses over ...
This is the software that runs the Interactive Fiction Competition, a.k.a. the IFComp, an annual celebration of independently authored, text-based video games that began in 1995. The organization of ...
An adventure game that has been created or modified for the computer. It has multiple story lines, environments and endings, all of which are determined by choices the player makes at various ...