Skin allergies and inflamed skin can both cause itching. However, it’s uncommon for them to cause an itch without a visible ...
Itchy skin is mostly harmless though, caused by anything from the signs of high cortisol levels to dry skin, and so easily adapted to a new routine. Simple changes and you'll likely feel back to ...
Scratching an itchy rash really does make it worse, according to new research. But it can also provide defense against bacterial skin infections, say American scientists. New research, published in ...
Skin allergies may be involved in some forms of eczema. Eczema is fairly common. Many kids and teens with eczema have family members who have it. Experts think it passes from parents to kids through ...
Whether your rash is itchy, bumpy, red or blistering, it's important to know what's causing it — and how serious it is. But with so many types of skin rashes, it can be tough even for ...