アウトドア・フットウエアブランドの「KEEN(キーン)」では、新作のハイキングシューズ「CIRCADIA(サーカディア)」を、KEEN直営店や公式オンラインストア、取扱い各店舗にて、2022年7月27日(水)より販売いたしております。ハイキング初心者やアウトドアが好き ...
Craig was a very good husband on October 8th – he bought me a pair of hot pink KEEN women’s hiking sandals for my birthday. I’d never heard of Keen hiking shoes before, but my previous ...
So how did the Keen Hyperport H2s measure up to the best ... Previously I’ve worn more traditional hiking sandals for these kinds of adventures, but have found them not quite up to the task ...
The Keen Tempo Flex stands out among trainer-style hiking boots – it manages to be solid, supportive and lightweight. Keen's new Bellows.Flex technology adds comfort over long distances ...
Having been impressed with the Keen Hyperport H2 shandal (a sandal/shoe hybrid) when I tested out the best hiking sandals earlier this year, I was interested in trying the waterproof version of the ...
What's most surprising is that a pair of Keen's prized hiking boots is currently selling for less than $90—it's the lowest price we've ever seen. Keen’s Circadia Mid Waterproof Hiking Boots ...