The Kingdom Hearts series has been entertaining gamers and Disney fans alike since Kingdom Hearts was released in 2002 to PlayStation 2. The main story centered around a young teen named Sora ...
Sora's journey across the Kingdom Hearts series highlights his growth, resilience, and ability to inspire others. Kingdom Hearts is one of the most popular yet convoluted franchises in gaming ...
If you’re a fan of Japanese role-playing games that lets you cross over different magical realms, then you’re definitely on the lookout for games like Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts is one of Square ...
Kingdom Hearts 3 and its ReMind DLC are available now for PS4 and Xbox One. They will be released on PC via the Epic Store on March 30th, 2021. Two upcoming Xbox first-party games receive the ...
With Kingdom Hearts 4 underway, Square Enix should bring back a fan-favorite world from the series' debut. Traverse Town served as the central hub for the first game and remains memorable for its ...
Kingdom Hearts’ keyblades are an iconic part of the series, and go far beyond Sora’s recognizable, giant silver and gold key. You can collect and choose between a wide range of keyblades across all of ...
Kingdom Hearts 4 will release with its own set of worlds and new characters including some sinister villains. The series has been delving into many Disney and Pixar movies. Sora and his friends ...