The application and genuine reason forms are interactive. You must complete both forms, then print and return both forms with any requested documentation to the Firearms Registry, Locked Bag 5102, ...
On the day the long-awaited Congestion Relief Zone went live, Vickie Paladino posted a "warning" about laser pointers she said could be easily purchased online and used to disable a camera sensor.
The hacker would be able to turn off home security systems, order items online using saved credit ... flags someone is spying ...
The campus laser policies can be seen in the links below: It is the responsibility of the user to follow the campus laser pointer safety program. Injuries or damages resulting from the failure to ...
As even some dodgy laser pointers are being (illegally) sold online are actually Class 2, this should make it clear that laser eye injury can happen to anyone, and it only takes a second to change ...