書籍『ゼロから作るDeep Learning 強化学習編』(オライリー・ジャパン)のサポートサイトです。本書籍で使用するソースコードがまとめられています。 ソースコードを実行するには、下記のソフトウェアが必要です。 Python 3.x(バージョン3系) NumPy Matplotlib ...
Proficiency in Python programming and basic ... is in designing custom reinforcement learning algorithms for modeling control problems with limited inputs that converge to optimal solutions. If you ...
This PyTorch book is your companion to machine learning with Python, whether you're a Python developer new to machine learning or want to deepen your knowledge of the latest developments. If you have ...
Professionals working with text data as part of their projects will also find plenty of useful information in this book. Beginner-level familiarity with machine learning and a basic working knowledge ...