Only those with 20/20 vision and a high IQ are able to spot the queen amongst all the other bees in under 11 seconds - so have a go. All the bees in the picture are heading towards the hive ...
Social bees, such as honeybees and bumblebees, often live in hives or nests ... particularly if the bee is a queen in early spring. If you think the bee is struggling the best thing to do is gently ...
Queen Bee syndrome refers to women in authority or power who treat subordinate females worse than males purely because of their gender. The theory has a lot of academic support and was first ...
A number of complaints against an advert for an Irish breed of bees have been upheld, the Advertising Standards Authority has confirmed. The complaints were made against a magazine advertisement ...
There are over 250 species of bee in the UK, of which 178 species have been recorded in Wales. The majority of these are solitary bees, but some, like the better-known bumblebees and honeybee, are ...
The live finale concluded Radio 2's challenge for the nation to help save the bees. The Big Bee Challenge, launched in June, aimed to shine a light on the plight of our bee population which is in ...