We always enjoy [FesZ’s] videos, and his latest about FREQ function in LTSpice is no exception. In fact, LTSpice doesn’t document it, but it is part of the underlying Spice system. So ...
We always enjoy videos from [FesZ], so when we saw his latest about tips and tricks for LTSpice, we decided to put the 20 minutes in to watch it. But we noticed in the text that he has an entire ...
I’ve been using SPICE now and then with different names but the latest flavor for me is now Linear Technologies’ “LTSpice IV” : it is freely downloadable from Linear Technologies’ website and works ...
LTSpice is a powerful and free tool for circuit design, simulation and analysis. It can help you understand and optimize the noise performance of your circuits, which is crucial for many ...
One of the simplest ways to export your LTSpice data is to save it as a text file. You can do this by right-clicking on the plot window and choosing "File > Export data as text". This will open a ...
# To open file in LTspice, move it to somewhere in ~/.wine/drive_c folder which is the C drive in wine. mkdir ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/LTC/LTspiceXVII/examples ...