そんな私たちにとって、OS Xは当然の選択でした。Macのコミュニティはとても熱狂的かつ歓迎ムードなのが嬉しいですね。 実際、Alfred v2が出てから作られた鮮やかなワークフローはものすごい量で、Macユーザーの情熱を感じずにはいられません。Sptify、Dropbox ...
読者の意見をもとに米Lifehackerが選んだ、デスクトップ検索ソフトウエアTOP5を紹介します。Alfred(OS X) 『Alfred』はOS X対応で、アプリランチャーとデスクトップ/ウェブ検索ユーティリティーを兼ねています。インストールすると「Alt+スペースキー」で検索 ...
Alfred is a powerful launcher that you can program to show anything you want. It saved me a lot of time in my life. It is a great idea to symlink workflows you are working on so you can work on them ...
Released yesterday, Alfred 1.3 is a major update to the popular desktop application aimed at “increasing your productivity” on OS X. Started as a simpler app launcher, Alfred has, in fact, evolved ...
Alfred – the productivity tool for Mac OS X that started off as a simple application launcher – has now evolved in to a tool that has literally changed the way so many people now use their computers.
Free Mac app Alfred is a keyboard shortcut, quick launch widget that blends the Mac OS's Spotlight capabilities with other search functions. Productivity proponents shouldn't have a Mac without it.
Import the Alfred alfred-caffeinate workflow by double-clicking the workflow file after downloading it. The default caffeination time is 1 hour (3600 seconds), but feel free to change this in in ...