中でも注目は、M4 Pro、M4 Maxの搭載もできるノートPCのMacBook Pro ...
M4シリーズ搭載のMacBook Proの大きな特徴の1つに、バッテリー性能がある。M4モデルが最大24時間のビデオストリーミング、M4 Proが最大22時間のビデオストリーミング、M4 Maxは最大18時間のビデオストリーミングが可能となっている。
Macworld Given the price of high-end gadgets, it can sometimes feel like you’re choosing between a quality product and your ...
アメモバマーケット東京秋葉原店が、創業10周年を記念した期間限定セールを実施。セール期間は1月25日(土)~1月26日の2日間。 両日に販売されるセール品のラインアップと価格は、「iPhone 8 64GB」(中古)が1,010円、「arrows ...
Friends don’t let friends buy a new MacBook Air right before a newer MacBook Air comes out, right? That’s mostly true, but two exceptions. There are currently two very good MacBook Air models that you ...
including both the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro, but also in terms of what sort of chip you want to run, starting with the slightly older M1 chip which is harder to find, to the higher-end M3 chip.
The M4 MacBook Air could launch in just a few months, but Apple is retiring another MacBook Air — and not the one you think.
The MacBook Air M3 is now available at its lowest price in India, raising the question of whether you should buy the current ...