The governor of the Ryazan region, Pavel Malkov, said on the Telegram messaging app that falling debris from destroyed Ukrainian drones had sparked a fire at an industrial enterprise in the region.
Taylor Malkov was born in Los Angeles, California, USA, to an Israeli father and an Israeli-born American mother, Jackie Malkov and Debbie Milstein, and immigrated to Israel with them as a baby at the ...
Announcement comes after finance minister meets delegates from US, described as "Trump advisers for digital assets".
Ryazan Oblast Governor Pavel Malkov confirmed that falling drone debris had caused a fire at "one of the enterprises" in the region. According to Malkov, no one was injured. Ryazan lies almost 500 ...
Malkov received the master's degree in physics from Nizhny Novgorod State University, in 2009, and the PhD degree in laser physics from the Institute of Applied Physics RAS, in 2015. He is an author ...
Pavel Malkov, the head of the regional administration, said in a post to Telegram that air defenses shot down two drones over the area. "Due to the falling debris, a fire broke out on the territory of ...
Although the readout did not officially identify the delegates, an official who attended the meeting told Dawn they included Gentry Beach Jr, Nikita Goldsmith, Alex Malkov, and Jerad Finck.
This is reported by the Nastoyaschee Vremia, Ukrinform reports. The head of the Ryazan region, Pavel Malkov, reported a fire “at one enterprise” due to the fall of drone debris, but did not specify ...