Mexican red enchiladas, aka Enchiladas Rojas, is a traditional recipe made of tortillas dipped in a red chili sauce, filled with various ingredients, rolled, and then served with different toppings.
1. To make the spicy Mexican tomato sauce: Heat the sunflower oil in a pan over a medium heat and add the tomatoes and chillies. Cook for 5 minutes, turning regularly to ensure they don’t char too ...
Scoop the flesh from the avocado onto the soup and sprinkle over the red chilli and and red onion. Squeeze over the lime juice. Check the seasoning before serving with melted cheese-topped tortillas.
Chili peppers make a spicy addition to all kinds of dishes—Italian arrabbiata, Chinese Kung Pao chicken, Mexican mole sauce and Indian ... Crushed red pepper flakes are also a great way to ...