Mit über 650 Euro Rabatt und damit für einen Preis von nur 939 Euro gibt es aktuell den hochwertigen 3D-Scanner Creality CR-Scan Raptor bei Geekbuying. Möglich wird dieser sehr günstige Preis ...
Here you can find, discuss and improve the existing 3d scanner ... OpenScan Mini is the smallest version of the scanner.
While some commercial 3D scanner can provide with more acurate reconstruction results, they have some disadvantages. Some of them ...
3DMakerPro has named their latest 3D scanner the Moose, following their tradition of naming their scanners after animals. The Moose is a portable and lightweight scanning solution that's perfect ...
When the Raspberry Pi 4 came out, [Frank Zhao] saw the potential to make a realtime 3D scanner that was completely handheld and self-contained. The device has an Intel RealSense D415 depth-sensing ...
The Luxembourg-based Artec Group develops and manufactures 3D scanners that analyse real-world objects and gather data on shapes ...
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