Directed and written by Heidi Levitt, the film features the research of Kenneth S. Kosik, M.D., a renowned neuroscientist and ...
"Taking Care" focuses on Lauren Miller Rogen's mother, Adele, a longtime Lakeland resident who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's ...
Casting director Heidi Levitt decided to spotlight her husband's Alzheimer's journey in her documentary debut "Walk with Me." ...
who was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's disease at age 55. However, in their new documentary, Taking Care, the filmmakers give a raw inside look into their experience as caretakers prior to ...
Meet Harvard-trained neuroscientist, Cape Cod writer Lisa Genova, ('Still Alice,') in East Sandwich as she explores bipolar disorder in her 6th novel.
In her feature documentary debut "Walk with Me," Levitt spotlights her husband Charlie Hess, a talented graphic designer who, at the age of 57, was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's disease.