熱圧縮メラミンフォーム素材の研磨スポンジ「Mr. Clean Magic Eraser(ミスタークリーン・マジックイレーサー)」です。洗剤を使わず「水だけで」簡単に汚れをスッキリ落とす激落ちくんシリーズのアメリカ版といえば、何となく想像がつくでしょうか。
but in the case of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, it's not hyperbole. These unassuming, flexible chunks of foam really do work like ...
My thin spatula and nasty old melamine sponge. Credit: Lindsey Ellefson Pushing the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser under the fridge and hoping for the best. Credit: Lindsey Ellefson The next part was easy ...
Learn more If there was just one item I could have in my cleaning arsenal, the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser would be it. I love it so much so that I brought a box with me when I studied abroad back in ...
From wiping down the stains on your porcelain sink to the kid's toys in your backyard, the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser lives up to its promise by attaching itself to the muck and guck and literally ...