NZXTのゲーミングマウスパッド「Zone」と「Zone Elite」が発売された。各種サイズ違いでLarge・XL・XXLが用意されており、本体カラーは「Zone」がブラックとホワイト、「Zone Elite」はブラックが用意されている。
重量57gの軽量ワイヤレスゲーミングマウス「Lift Elite Wireless」がNZXTから発売された。本体カラーはブラック(MS-101NB-01)とホワイト(MS-101NW-02 ...
So, in which camp can we place their latest keyboard, the Function Elite MiniTKL? As the name suggests, it's a serious, performance-oriented, and space-saving keyboard that ditches the ten numpad keys ...
The NZXT Lift Elite Wireless offers strong value in its mid-range price tag, especially when it comes to higher polling rates.
Here’s how it works. The NZXT Function Elite MiniTKL is a slightly cheaper alternative to some of the top dogs in the world of Hall effect gaming keyboards, but it does come with its own set of ...
The NZXT Lift Elite Wireless offers strong value in its mid-range price tag, especially when it comes to higher polling rates. It’s not without sacrifices, but a lightweight build, smooth sensor ...
Not only does the NZXT Lift Elite Wireless weigh a staggering 57g, it's completely wireless, feels well constructed, and comes in at a cost almost as low as its weight at £74.99. I spent a few ...