The show, which stars a gaggle of Jewish stars — Logan Lerman, Saul Rubinek, Josh Radnor and Carol Kane, who all play Nazi hunters — is very much an over-the-top fictionalization. It boasts an ...
Shortly after the end of the Second World War: In 1945 and 1946, the men of the British "War Crimes Investigation Unit" drove through northern Germany on the hunt for Nazi criminals. One of them ...
Available as a two disc DVD set, this 6-part series tells the story ... team interviewed over 100 eyewitnesses, including former Nazi perpetrators who speak on the record for the first time.
The most famous ones are here, monsters all: Eichmann, Barbie, Mengele and Stangl. Walters, who has written a great deal about the Second World War, has travelled widely, combed the sources, and ...
(JTA) — Two of the world’s most famous Nazi hunters, Serge and Beate Klarsfeld, are getting the documentary treatment. Alexander Nanau, a Romanian filmmaker whose documentary “Collective ...