Agatha tiny house is a compact dwelling, packed with the regular amenities of a house, enhancing comfort and functionality.
The Felicity 10' Wide is the larger version of the Felicity model, so it's more spacious and with enhanced features, making ...
With its Felicity 10' Wide model, Colorado's Frontier Tiny Homes aims to offer the kind of experience you usually associate more with a "real" house. Featuring a spacious and light-filled interior ...
Frontier Tiny Homes impressed us with its spacious extra-wide Felicity model, but with its Agatha, the firm has gone in the opposite direction and produced a compact tiny house that's more in line ...
David Latimer founded bespoke tiny-home outfit New Frontier Design in 2015 in Nashville, Tennessee, out of a desire to perfect a product from the design phase through to completion. The detail ...