すでに存在自体が懐かしくなりつつある、アップル「iPod touch (第6世代)」がCCコネクト秋葉原本店に大量入荷している。中古品で価格は2980円。 近頃はまとまった数が入荷しなくなって久しい、かつての定番メディアプレイヤー。入荷したのは4型画面を搭載した2015年発売の第6世代モデルだ。CPUはA8で、OSはiOS 12までアップデート可能。
Afflicted by an all-but-dead battery and a fritzing-out hard drive, Redditor [cswimc] sensed the imminent doom creeping up on their 6th generation iPod ... 80GB — and a new 3000mAh battery.
While some would argue the first generation of the iPod Touch was the beginning of the end, those early generations were more advanced iPods than phone-less iPhones. The iPod Touch 4th generation ...
Apple last refreshed the iPod shuffle with new colors to match the seventh-generation iPod nano and fifth-generation iPod touch in late 2012. Apart from swapping the slate black model for space ...