米国連邦取引委員会はこのほど,Razer製ゲーマー向けマスク「Razer Zephyr」の購入者に対する返金対応を開始したと発表した。マスクの購入者は6764人で,返金の総額は100万ドル(約1億5000万円)となっている。
ゲーミングデバイスメーカーのRazerが2021年に発売したゲーミングマスクの「Zephyr」は、N95マスクに匹敵する「N95グレード」のゲーミングマスクであることが宣伝されていたのですが、これが虚偽表記であるとしてアメリカの連邦取引委員会(FTC ...
I also compiled highly rated NIOSH-approved N95s that are available to buy online. SKIP AHEAD The best N95 masks to shop | How to wear N95 masks | When to wear a face mask | Why trust NBC Select?
Made by the 3M company, these N95 respirator masks are NIOSH-approved to filter out at least 95% of certain particles like ...
Make sure the N95 mask you choose is certified by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). This certification ensures that the mask meets the necessary standards for ...
With National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)-approved N95 masks no longer in short supply, CDC guidance provides that people may choose to wear a NIOSH-approved N95 mask for ...
The N95 mask is regulated by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and is named for its ability to filter out 95% of airborne particles when worn correctly. Almost all ...
I also compiled highly rated NIOSH-approved N95s that are available to buy online. SKIP AHEAD The best N95 masks to shop | How to wear N95 masks | When to wear a face mask | Why trust NBC Select?