Stephen Termini (58) hopes to gain Irish citizenship and access State’s health system to treat ongoing injuries from teenage ...
Doctors warn against 'disturbing' BABY chiropractorsA Tennessee man has warned against going to a chiropractor — especially for neck pain — after suffering an 'excruciating' injury.Tyler Williams, a ...
A herniated disc, also known as a ruptured disc or a slipped disc ... and "each one allows for the exit of a pair of nerves that gives sensation and controls muscle function to specific parts ...
Many patients with lower back pain, sciatica, pain down the back of the legs, or weakness of the lower-extremity muscles are diagnosed with a herniated (a.k.a. compressed or ruptured) spinal disc.
Herniated disc is when the soft inside of a spinal disc bulges out through a tear in the tough outer part. This can cause pain and problems if it puts pressure on the nerves or spinal cord. It can ...
This is the first case report of a ruptured aortic aneurysm presenting with acute right buttock pain. The patient was an 80 year old man. A literature search revealed one report of ruptured internal ...
Find a spine care specialist People experience back pain differently. We can help with a variety of surgical or nonsurgical treatments to get you back on your feet again. A cervical herniated disc, ...
When a specific over or under pressure event takes place, each disk is engineered to burst. This rapid burst causes a quick transition from a sealed state to a fully open flow configuration that the ...
Discography: This test uses a needle guided by a type of X-ray to identify the spinal disc causing pain. Mild or moderate symptoms can often be treated without surgery, an approach the OHSU Spine ...
A 56-year-old man with a history of hypertension presented with sudden severe left testicular pain suspected to be testicular torsion ... An urgent CT angiogram showed a ruptured isolated 4.8 cm left ...