The story begins to unfold when a family of four moves into a new suburban home after the teenage daughter Chloe (Callina ...
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The original film showed a couple who were plagued by unexplained phenomena in their home The two men behind the world premiere stage adaptation of hit horror film Paranormal Activity currently ...
Paranormal Activity 3 takes you back to where it all began. The cameras are on and recording the chilling moments when evil begins to terrorize young ...sisters Katie and Kristi for the first time.
Paranormal Activity 2, 3, 4, and The Marked Ones were all massive financial successes as well, yet they've also received mixed reviews overall, with a highlight being Paranormal Activity 3.
In 1988, in California, cinematographer Dennis moves to the house of his girlfriend Julie to raise a family with her daughters Katie and Kristi. Little Kristi has an imaginary friend named Toby ...