Poor circulation can also occur when waste products build up in your soft tissues. Symptoms can include the thin and dry skin ...
Often, poor circulation symptoms affect your legs, hands, fingers, feet, and toes. A few other symptoms include: When your ...
It is well known that diabetic’s suffer from poor circulation. What are the symptoms of poor circulation? Swelling or stiffness in the legs or feet Cramping of legs or feet Tired, aching & the feeling ...
Poor circulation is a common problem ... and specifically those in the hands and feet, so if you're badly affected by any of these symptoms, it's worth having a blood test to see whether you ...
If you have poor blood circulation, your feet will not be able to fight off infections and will take longer to heal. The blood vessels of your feet and your lower leg will narrow and harden. It is ...
Have you noticed that your legs fall asleep ... or you have cold feet (literally)? Have you found that your skin sometimes gets blue, or you experience swelling that seemingly comes out of nowhere?