Following a design process can help ensure course quality while reducing the time and effort it takes to develop a highly effective curriculum. Efficient Process: Course design is a complex process ...
The study plan is the list of courses you plan on taking at ETH Zurich where you will be enrolled in one specific department. The study plan guidelines explain how to find courses in the Course ...
From crafting purposeful assessments to setting up your onQ, these “Eight Steps for Course Planning” will support instructors in creating or recreating their courses. This resource outlines a planning ...
The scope consists of the topics, concepts and skills that will be taught throughout the course. The sequence is the order in which these will be taught. Unit Plans: The groupings of sequential ...
A: An overnight process updates the student groups and removes students ... but this one starts during week 2. Q: Why does my draft plan for my course that meets five days a week not have proposed ...