La Nissan Skyline GT-R R34 est considérée par beaucoup comme l'une des plus grandes voitures de sport de tous les temps. Commercialisée en 1999, cette voiture est la dernière née de la famille Skyline ...
And, if you're of a certain age group (my age group), you grew up playing racing games on PlayStation ... there aren’t many websites specifically dedicated to the Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R, with not ...
Prices for 'Godzilla' have been shooting up recently in the secondary market. Here are five reasons why it's great.
Both terms equally applicable to this particular R34 Skyline. It’s the work of Japanese ... are beefy brakes to deal with ...
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The R34 Nissan Skyline GT-R, produced from 1999-2002 ... has been upgraded to match the increased performance, with AP Racing ...
Nissan never expected the Skyline GT-R to become the legend that ... Just launched in Japan, the hand-built limited-edition R34 GT-R Z-tune packs a fully reworked 500bhp engine, race-spec ...
Drive any sports car available, from a Nissan Skyline R34 to a 1969 Mustang ... This classic game preserves its retro aspect to introduce you into the world or arcade racing. If you think it's easy to ...
This R34-era Nissan GT-R is the latest case in point. To the uninitiated, the R34 has too much in common with its base car – the tenth-generation Nissan Skyline – to be given a second look, but it’s ...
It's too bad that it's 23 years too late for you to buy a brand-new R34 Nissan Skyline GT-R. What's that? It's not? Great googly moogly; this is your chance. This ultra-rare Skyline has just over ...
Some car collectors may have been puzzled by something that began happening earlier this decade: Out of nowhere, examples of the R34-generation Nissan Skyline GT-R suddenly started popping up for ...