[Balint Seeber] just sent in a small yet timely project he’s been working on: a software radio source block for the Realtek RTL2832U. Now with a cheap USB TV tuner card, you can jump right into ...
DragonOS, a Debian-based Linux distribution specifically packaged for software-defined radio functionality, roared onto the wavelengths during the beginnings of the various pandemic lockdowns last ...
The Software Defined Radio (SDR) receiver connects to an antenna and covers the filtering, mixing, and amplification of the desired signal. It then connects a sound card within a computer and software ...
Radio Bridge Server - Software which exposes various functionality on a ham radio frequency. NOTE: This project is work in progress and under development. Do not use it for anything critical. This ...
Book Abstract: The Software Communications Architecture (SCA) establishes an implementation-independent framework for the development of Joint Tactical Radio System software configurable radios. It ...
Current projects include developing new software-defined radio (SDR) and cognitive radio communication systems and networks. SDR is a wireless platform implementation whose functionality is based ...
Based on the popular Artech House classic, Digital Communication Systems Engineering with Software-Defined Radio, this book provides a practical approach to quickly learning the software-defined radio ...