Having the right tools and space to repot your plant is a great way to guarantee success, but you don’t need much to get started. “Ensure you have the right tools: a larger pot with drainage ...
If you love house plants but hate repotting, there are plants that need it a lot less than others. And you don't always need ...
“These typically occur if some of the plant’s basic needs are not met during the repotting process.” “Only go up one pot size as jumping to too big a pot can cause stress to your plant ...
I repot my Croton plants in the spring or summer when it is rootbound. Choose a plastic or glazed ceramic pot only ½ inch ...
The plant grows more slowly in a tight space and nearly stops growing when its roots fill the pot. Repotting aloe vera to a larger container helps the plant access more water and nutrients to fuel ...
It's not that big a deal." Ms Sadowski says if your plant looks good and you're watering and fertilising it, there's no real need to repot. But if you notice that it's starting to look unbalanced ...
but a new hack has revealed the easiest repotting technique we’ve seen. Shared to the Plant Club London group on Facebook, the video reveals how you can move your plant to a larger pot with absolutely ...
Water the cactus two days before repotting, so the roots are moist but not saturated. Make sure the plants are watered regularly throughout their growing season in spring and summer. Moisten the ...
According to Tony, "Monsteras prefer slightly larger pots ... "Swiss Cheese Plants can experience some shock after repotting, typically showing signs like drooping or yellowing leaves," he ...