アンソニー・ルッソ&ジョー・ルッソのルッソ兄弟が監督を務め、ミリー・ボビー・ブラウンとクリス・プラットが共演する、SFロードムービー『エレクトリック・ステイト』が、3月14日(金)よりNetflixにて独占配信される。この度、かわいらしくてミステリア ...
Why did [SPOILER] have to die? How was Disney involved? And why is Mr. Peanut such a big character? All your burning ...
Here are all the faces and voices you'll recognize in the Russo Brothers' new film "The Electric State" on Netflix ...
If there's one task nearly every robot movie seeks to accomplish, it's exploring humans' relationships with new and advancing ...
The new Netflix movie “The Electric State” depicts a world full of robots — but not robots as we know them. Directed by brothers Anthony and Joe Russo ...
The ending of new Netflix movie The Electric State explained, including who wins the war between robots and humans.
The Electric State on Netflix is a movie about a robot uprising, so, naturally, The Electric State cast includes a bunch of famous actors whose voices are distorted to sound more electronic. Directed ...
Chris Pratt and Millie Bobby Brown headline Netflix's "The Electric State," a Spielbergian film from the Russo brothers with ...
The Russo brothers bring Simon Stålenhag's illustrated novel “The Electric State” to life in the new big budget Netflix film ...