Bringing the graphic devices of comic strips into fine art became Roy Lichtenstein’s trademark. ‘Crying Girl’, 1963, is a rare, early ink on paper drawing, which was made as a sketch for later use. It ...
ポップアートのパイオニア James Rosenquist (ジェームス・ローゼンクイスト) が死去、享年83歳 James Rosenquist Dies At 83 James Rosenquist Dies At 83 Andy Warhol (アンディ・ウォーホル) や Roy Lichtenstein (ロイ・リキテンスタイン) と共に60年代にアメリカのポップアート界で活躍 ...
Roy Lichtenstein, "The Cannon," 1948. Pastel on colored paper, 13" x 20". The Roy Lichtenstein Foundation Collection, New York. Roy Lichtenstein, "Bugs Bunny," c.1958. Brush and india ink on paper ...
I painted this Lichtenstein transcription on one side, and she did another one on the other. It took three days! Credits: Original picture by Roy Lichtenstein.
Roy Lichtenstein’s Luna Luna Pavilion ... combining historical context with a history of the park and its contributors. Holocaust tragedies, notable art history moments, and political upheavals ...