Ernest Henry Shackleton was born on 15 February 1874 in County Kildare, Ireland. His father was a doctor. The family moved to London where Shackleton was educated. Rejecting his father's wish that ...
This boot was modelled on the the boots worn by Sir Ernest Shackleton during his Murman Coast Expedition in 1918. They were made in Northampton and follow Shackleton's pattern for Antartic use.
Follow the path of the 1999 expedition aboard the Akademik Shuleykin as they revisited the remote locales of Shackleton's epic journey. The 1999 route is marked as a dashed line in green ...
Use these lesson plans to help your students understand more about Ernest Shackleton's leadership, what the Antarctic is like, how sailors can determine their latitude at night, and the ...
Antarctic Quest 21 held a ceremony on the Antarctic Peninsula in memory of Sir Ernest Shackleton A team of scientists have held a ceremony in the Antarctic honouring the achievements of explorer ...
Today, the airplane is almost gone. Eckell told Slate, "I document these structures before nature takes them back. Maybe it's a way to make their stories immortal." Avro Shackleton. Crashed in ...