Pain in the right shoulder and arm can occur due to injury, wear and tear, and other health conditions. You may experience other symptoms with certain causes. Shoulder pain is very common.
Whether it’s a dull ache or sharp spasm, pain between the shoulder blades can be caused by a variety of things. It can be due to bad posture while staring at a computer screen all day, an exercise ...
Get information about the causes, symptoms and treatments for shoulder osteoarthritis ... pain will be focused on the top of the shoulder. This pain may radiate up the side of the neck. Other common ...
Get enough vitamin D and calcium in your diet. Back and neck problems range from minor aches to severe, disabling pain. Often, the reason for your pain can't be found. See a healthcare provider if you ...
Avoid any sports or work that increase the pain. After 48 hours, start a gentle stretching program. Do 3 minutes of gentle stretching exercises each day. Reason: improve the tone of the neck muscles.