Here’s how it works. Start with the reasonable assumption that when the temperature is below 50 degrees F sweet corn simply does not grow. (If you do nothing else, always measure the soil temperature ...
In few weeks growers will be planting sweet corn in Iowa. Sweet corn is an important commercial crop in Iowa. Based on the 2017 Agriculture Census, sweet corn is planted across 329 farms in Iowa with ...
You will see code letters on packets of sweet corn seed or in catalog descriptions that give information about growing each variety: su, se, sh, sy. Classic plant breeding techniques produced these ...
Sweet corn is a fast grower, developing tall stalks with bright green leaves. In the home garden, one corn plant usually ...
Plant sweetcorn in the spring and by late summer you’ll be picking lots of fresh cobs, which are far tastier and more succulent than any you can buy in the shop. There are many varieties to try ...
Sweet corn comes in a range of kernel colors: yellow, white, and bicolor (yellow and white). Here's a short video about preparing sweet corn. Sweet corn is most often eaten cooked. Peel or “shuck” the ...
Economic injury is generally sustained only by seedlings less than 6 inches (15 cm) in height ... resulting in plant damage referred to as Stewart’s disease. This disease can severely reduce yields, ...
Ahead Of The Curve Stine Seed Company has evaluated corn plant height since 1996. That effort, along with founder Harry H. Stine’s focus on researching planting populations and row widths ...
When applying post-emergent herbicides, proper corn growth staging is extremely important. Herbicide labels often refer to plant height, crop growth stage (leaves or collars), or both, when discussing ...
If your corn plant is starting to get scraggly or if it’s growing taller than you’d like, you can trim it back. It's best to ...
Young corn can survive flooded conditions lasting for about two days under warm temperatures (at or above the mid-70s, in degrees Fahrenheit) to four days under cooler temperatures (at or below the ...