On this page you can find information about our systematic literature reviews service, and resources and information to support you in getting started with different types of reviews. The systematic ...
There are different methods of reviewing existing research and literature and different definitions of systematic and literature reviews, with some variations between disciplines.
This rapid review was commissioned to assist the New Zealand Drug Foundation (NZDF) to develop youth gambling resources and ...
To evaluate different methodological approaches and justify methodological decision-making. Additional information on different types of literature reviews is included below. Systematic Review It ...
ScHARR Information Specialists have a wealth of experience in systematic literature searching and evidence retrieval for all types of knowledge synthesis, including systematic reviews. Please click on ...
This paper contains a systematic literature review of real-world MaaS applications and their effects on STIs. From the principle of distributive justice, we adopted the Resources, Opportunities, ...
Undergraduate medical schools show “significant variation” in rheumatology training, with some students receiving as few as 4 ...
A systematic literature review found no evidence to support that physical exertion without rhabdomyolysis (muscle breakdown) or heat injury can cause sudden death for individuals with sickle cell ...
Design A systematic literature review according to the PRISMA statement. Data sources A comprehensive literature search was performed in MEDLINE via PubMed and EMBASE. Eligibility criteria We included ...
Background Cardiogenic shock (CS) induced by severe aortic stenosis (AS) is a life-threatening condition with high mortality.