So it's up to you to make sure it's safe. "Checking well water is important because most contaminants have no taste, smell or color, and testing is the only way to ensure it's safe to drink," says ...
Two water departments have advised residents In Los Angeles against drinking tap water due to potential contamination ...
Let the water run for 3 minutes before taking a sample to ensure you are testing the water from the well. Testing your farm’s water for the presence of E.coli is an important part of you farm’s food ...
You may also want to test your private well if flooding has occurred in your area. If you own a private well, you are responsible for testing your own water. Some counties have water quality testing ...
Maine survey data show that testing of private wells for arsenic occurs less frequently among low-income households. This program will provide vouchers to low-income households for free well water ...
Getting your well tested is now free and easy. The MDH, in partnership with Southeastern Minnesota Water Analysis Laboratory (SEMWAL), is offering free water testing for private well owners in Dodge, ...