The bald eagle became the official U.S. bird due to a bill introduced after a Wabasha man discovered the bird wasn't ...
The bald eagle, a symbol of the power and the strength of the United States for more than 240 years officially became the ...
Bald eagles were nearly eliminated from much of their native range by the 1960s, but have rebounded. Now, they've been ...
Richardson says there are about thirty bald eagles in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Because the lake is so deep, they tend to feed on ...
All eyes are on Pittsburgh's iconic Hays bald eagles, and anxiety is high as their biggest fans wait to see if the majestic ...
An eagle enthusiast has been lobbying for the designation for years. On Christmas Eve, President Biden signed legislation ...
The bald eagle is a true American comeback story, and that’s why it made sense for President Joe Biden to sign the bill that ...
The Jacksonville area has well over 200 species of birds. The number varies depending on the season, and many are found along ...
Hosted by the Kansas City District of the U.S. Army Corps, several upcoming Eagle Days events celebrate how man-made lakes ...
The bald eagle is on the United States' national seal. However, until Christmas Eve, it wasn't on the books as the national ...