Many people responded to the Pope's wishes by joining the Crusades - showing this by cutting out red crosses and sewing them onto their tunics. The loss of Jerusalem was a terrible blow to the ...
The remaining Crusades were failures of one sort or another and, instead, contributed to the heightened tensions still visible in the Middle East today. In particular, the Fourth Crusade which ended ...
The first character of the crusades is their universality; all Europe concurred in them; they were the first European event. Before the crusades, Europe had never been moved by the same sentiment, or ...
From the safe distance of many centuries, it is easy enough to scowl in disgust at the Crusades. Religion, after all, is nothing to fight wars over. But we should be mindful that our medieval ...
The Crusades have been a fixture on school curricula for a long ... 77 items dated from c.1189 to 1536 were used, sourced from institutions including the Bodleian Library, the British Library, ...