His radial pulse was normal and he had a normal capillary refill of his ulnar and radial-sided digits. There was no evidence of digital ischaemia. Traumatic arterial pseudoaneurysms are uncommon ...
that supports the MCP joints. However, unlike with RA, the inflammation does not cause joint erosion. Ulnar deviation is sometimes seen in psoriatic arthritis (PsA), but it is not very common.
Some prefer to rest the wrist in a long-arm cast with the forearm in pronation, so that the ECU tendon sits comfortably located within the dorsal ulnar groove. There is no evidence to support one type ...
Thrombosis of the ulnar artery can be a cause of significant morbidity. Most often a consequence of blunt trauma to the hypothenar eminence of the hand, it may be attributable to one traumatic ...