There are a variety of kits that can be purchased, or you can make your own. All you need to make your own vermicomposting bin is a plastic storage bin (worms don’t like light, so do not use a clear ...
You need four things for successful vermicomposting: worms, worm bedding, organic waste, and a bin or area for composting. You can buy a red worm composting bin, learn how to make a worm bed ...
In vermicomposting, a smaller, shallow, dark bin with ventilation contains worms living in cool, moist bedding material. These worms eat the scraps that are added to the bin weekly and generate ...
All you need to make your own vermicomposting bin is a plastic storage bin (don’t use a clear container); a 10-gallon bin is a good size to start with. Drill half-inch holes in the sides of the ...
It is possible to put your worm bin outside during the summer in a cool area that is in full shade. Keep in mind, some critters such as racoon may be attracted to your worm bin. Also be sure rainfall ...
The organic fraction of solid waste can be managed by sustainable and economic solutions such as rotary drum composting and vermicomposting. Recent advances have been made in the combination of these ...
Getting started with vermicomposting There are a variety of kits that can be purchased, or you can make your own. All you need to make your own vermicomposting bin is a plastic storage bin (don’t use ...