Carpal Tunnel Syndrome affects a vast number of people and is often exacerbated by long hours at the computer with inadequate equipment. Adding ... Best Vertical Mouse for Carpal Tunnel $70 at ...
a statistically significant positive association was observed for the association between mouse use and CTS (although the authors concluded otherwise). [9] However, the significant association was ...
The identification of epidemiological studies examining associations between computer work and CTS began with a search in the following databases: Pubmed, Embase, Web of Science, and Arbline.
Despite these claims, however, studies performed on this cause-and-effect relationship in recent years have produced no conclusive evidence attributing carpal tunnel syndrome to overuse ... computer ...
Objectives The boom in computer use and concurrent high rates in musculoskeletal complaints and carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS ... Initially, the question asked about the keyboard and mouse with the ...